Veterans news update for Nov. 3
Marine veteran home safe after release from Mexico (USA Today) A U.S. Marine veteran who spent the past eight...
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Veterans news update for Oct. 8
Tables turn on VA watchdog as link between neglect, death fails to emerge (Washington Times) He’s the man leading...
Veterans news update for Oct. 6
Investigators found unacceptable conditions at Philadelphia VA office (Philadelphia Inquirer) In the call center at Philadelphia’s Veterans Affairs benefits...
Veterans news update for Sept. 26
Alaska veterans affairs official resigns at governor’s request (Alaska Dispatch News) McHugh Pierre, civilian deputy commissioner for the Alaska Department...
IG Recommendations On How to Fix the VA
The Office of Inspector General’s report on the substandard care veterans received at the Phoenix VA Health Care System...
Veterans news roundup for August 27
Your veterans news roundup for Wednesday, August 27: VA IG details 45 cases where veterans received substandard care in...
Response to Report on VA Scheduling Scandal
Veterans Affairs Sec. Robert McDonald has laid out his agency’s response to a report scheduled to be released this...
Report: No Evidence Deaths Linked to VA Scandal
In a report scheduled to be released this week on the VA scandal, an investigation by the Office of...