Veterans news update for May 20
Boehner: “Arrogance” at VA leaves veterans “ignored” (The Hill) Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) took to the House floor on...
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Veterans news update for May 14
VA improperly spent $6 billion annually, says senior official (The Washington Post) The Department of Veterans Affairs has been...
Veterans news update for April 29
CNN anchor blames veterans for Baltimore riots, apologizes later (The Inquistr) As of late, the media has been concerned...
Veterans news update for April 27
VA chief McDonald: Aging vets straining the system (AZCentral.com) Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary Robert McDonald said Friday the...
Veterans news update for March 27
Nearly 100,000 veterans prescribed dangerous tranquilizer-opiate combo (RevealNews.org) Nearly 100,000 veterans currently are receiving prescriptions for both tranquilizers and...
Veterans news update for March 26
VA grossly underestimates paper claims as new forms policy begins (Stars & Stripes) The Department of Veterans Affairs has...
Veterans news update for Nov. 25
Nearly $1 billion in VA medical malpractice settlements paid with federal funds (CBS-Los Angeles) Thousands of payouts to veterans...
Veterans news update for Oct. 9
Portland VA claims office got it wrong 28 percent of the time, inspector general reports (The Oregonian) More than...
Your daily veterans news, 7/25
Your morning veterans news report for Friday, July 25: Patient wait times improve for New Orleans veterans, VA officials...
VA Appeals to Congress On Private Care for Vets
Acting VA Secretary Sloan Gibson told Congress this week that “opening the floodgates” to allow veterans to seek private...