February 12 Veterans News
New study on Gulf War Illness assailed by veterans advocates (Bradenton Herald) Military veterans advocates are assailing a new report...
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February 11 Veterans News
VA chief touts proposal to make it easier to fire executives (Military.com) Veterans Affairs Secretary Bob McDonald on Wednesday...
February 10 Veterans News
House passes flurry of veterans bills, bigger deal could be looming (Military Times) Lawmakers could be headed toward a veterans...
February 8 Veterans News
VA demands proof WWII combat vet with Purple Heart served in military (Military.com) The Department of Veterans Affairs refuses to...
February 4 Veterans News
VA: Veterans suicide must be a top priority (Military Times) The Veterans Affairs Department is ratcheting up efforts to...
February 2 Veterans News
Appeals judges reverse punishment for senior VA execs (Military Times) Veterans Affairs officials’ attempt to punish a pair of...
January 28 Veterans News
Wounded Warrior Project accused of wasting money (CBS Evening News) A CBS News investigation into a charity for wounded...
January 27 Veterans News
New veterans ID cards won’t be available until 2017 (Military Times) Congress passed legislation for a new veterans ID...
January 26 Veterans News
Report: Toxic exposures caused illness in Gulf War veterans (Medical Xpress) Twenty-five years after 700,000 U.S. troops fought and won...
January 22 Veterans News
Secretary McDonald lays out ‘breakthrough priorities’ for VA in 2016 (Military.com) Veterans Affairs Secretary Bob McDonald told lawmakers on Thursday...