December 1 Veterans News
Emails: New Mexico VA doctors suspicious; rescheduled appointments appear as new (The Daily Caller) A new scandal threatens to...
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November 23 Veterans News
VA buried in backlog of unlimited veterans disability appeals (The Los Angeles Times) It’s a veteran disability case that...
November 16 Veterans News
Reserve, National Guard retirees close to ‘honorary’ veteran status (Colorado Springs Gazette) On the eve of Veterans Day, the...
November 13 Veterans News
GAO report: GI Bill aid programs still need improvements (The Washington Times) The GI Bill Congress passed to aid...
November 11 Veterans News
White House seeks to ease veterans’ access to care (The New York Times) The Obama administration on Wednesday will...
November 10 Veterans News
Survey: Just 18% of vets feel they’ve gotten benefits promised to them (Wall Street Journal) After leaving the Army in...
November 2 Veterans News
Deployment environmental reports not in military health records (Military Times) For more than three years, the military services have...
October 30 Veterans News
Senate bill would block VA from cutting aid to homeless vets (Tacoma News-Tribune) The Senate on Thursday passed a...
October 29 Veterans News
Army kicked out thousands of mentally injured vets for ‘misconduct’ (NPR) The U.S. Army has kicked out more than...
October 28 Veterans News
Clinton campaign backtracks on VA claim after widespread criticism (CNN.com) Hillary Clinton’s campaign on Tuesday backed away from the...