Despite monthly numbers, veteran unemployment trending down
Veteran unemployment rose five-tenths of a point to 4.8 percent in November 2016 while the national unemployment rate decreased from...
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August 23 Veterans News
Why many veterans are sticking with Donald Trump (Stars and Stripes) Evan McAllister was 23 years old when he...
August 1 Veterans News
Obama to cite progress on veterans’ issues in speech (The New York Times) In a valedictory address to veterans...
July 7 Veterans News
New VA study finds 20 veterans commit suicide each day (MilitaryTimes) Roughly 20 veterans a day commit suicide nationwide,...
May 18 Veterans News
Blue Water Navy veterans struggle with toxin exposure (KREM) A group of veteran converged on our nation’s capital Wednesday...
May 10 Veterans News
VA secretary wants agency to be run like ‘The very best customer service organization’ (WESA) Prior to 2014, the...
May 6 Veterans News
Companies ‘join forces’ to hire or train 100,000-plus more vets, spouses (MilitaryTimes) First lady Michelle Obama and Dr. Jill...
May 3 Veterans News
Bill would end tax penalty on vets with forgiven student loans (Military.com) Permanently disabled veterans or survivors of veterans...
May 2 Veterans News
The new military retirement system has major flaw, financial experts warn (MilitaryTimes) Top financial experts are worried about a...