Veterans News – February 10, 2017
‘Vets continue to die’: Phoenix hospital at center of VA scandal ranked among nation’s worst (Fox News) Three years...
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Veterans News – January 6, 2017
McDonald to Trump administration: Don’t backtrack VA progress (Stars and Stripes) In the wake of President-elect Donald Trump signaling...
Veterans News – January 4, 2017
Trump’s VA secretary pick could offer hint on privatization (The Wall Street Journal) U.S. military veterans’ groups are closely...
October 31 Veterans News
VA increased employee bonuses in 2015 to $177 million (The Washington Times) Despite more problems at the Department of...
October 28 Veterans News
Veterans may face higher risk of suicide during first year home (Fox News) Veterans may be more likely...
October 10 Veterans News
Veterans’ records found in ex-state employee’s storage unit (The Washington Times) Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring is seeking a...
September 6 Veterans News
Study: Can marijuana improve PTSD symptoms for veterans? (Stars and Stripes) Roberto Pickering’s story is all too familiar. The...
August 22 Veterans News
Vets: Effects of Agent Orange extend to next generation (Post-Bulletin) Despite all of his service-related illnesses, Pat Neville looks...
August 9 Veterans News
Should nurses be allowed to work like doctors at the VA? (JPR) Nurses may soon do work doctors normally...
August 8 Veterans News
Watchdog group calls on VA to showcase works by veteran artists (Military.com) A taxpayer watchdog group is calling on...