Veterans news update for Jan. 9
Opiates handed out like candy to ‘doped-up’ veterans at Wisconsin VA (Center for Investigative Reporting) Doctors at the U.S....
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Veterans news update for Jan. 6
Veterans discharged after sexual trauma push for VA benefits (The Washington Post) It took Navy Airman Apprentice Elena M....
Veterans news update for Dec. 22
Budget experts: Move Tricare beneficiaries to Obamacare (Military Times) The Defense Department could slash its enormous health care budget...
Veterans news update for Nov. 18
VA fails cybersecurity audit for 16th consecutive year (Washington Post) The Department of Veterans Affairs failed its annual cybersecurity...
Veterans news update for Oct. 29
VA adds $50 to deceased veteran’s 59-cent bill (Delaware News Journal) It’s bad enough that the Department of Veterans...