November 17 Veterans News
Report: VA home care aid delayed more than a year (Federal Times) The Department of Veterans Affairs’ home and...
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November 12 Veterans News
VA pays $142 million in bonuses amid scandals (USA Today) The Department of Veterans Affairs doled out more than...
November 2 Veterans News
Deployment environmental reports not in military health records (Military Times) For more than three years, the military services have...
September 3 Veterans News
Wisconsin veterans hospital’s former director no longer on VA payroll (Reveal.com) Officials at Wisconsin’s troubled Tomah VA Medical Center...
August 20 Veterans News
Survey: Most Americans think government is failing vets (Military Times) A majority of Americans don’t think the U.S. government...
July 30 Veterans News
House passes new VA reforms, but veto threat looms (Military Times) House Republicans on Wednesday passed new rules to...
July 29 Veterans News
White House threatens veto on VA reform bill (Military Times) Just hours before a House vote on new Veterans...
July 15 Veterans News
70 years on, Japanese company to apologize to U.S. WWII vets (The Denver Post) A major Japanese corporation will...
July 14 Veterans News
Nearly one-third of 847,000 vets in health care backlog already died (The Huffington Post) More than 238,000 of the...
Veterans news update for April 30
GOP lawmaker rips Obama’s threat to veto veterans’ funding (The Blaze) Rep. Martha Roby (R-Ala.) accused the White House...