October 30 Veterans News
Senate bill would block VA from cutting aid to homeless vets (Tacoma News-Tribune) The Senate on Thursday passed a...
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August 7 Veterans News
VA chief blasts ‘political’ proposal to privatize the Department (Military.com) Veterans Affairs Secretary Bob McDonald on Thursday rejected criticism...
July 24 Veterans News
VA has 41,500 unfilled medical jobs, forcing vets to costly private care (USA Today) The Veterans Health Administration has 41,500...
July 23 Veterans News
Report: Lung disease, high blood pressure common in vets exposed to burn pits (Military Times) Troops who worked at...
Veterans news update for June 5
VA Choice changes gives veterans more access to care (Military Times) Emergency legislation approved May 22 to fund a...
Veterans news update for May 20
Boehner: “Arrogance” at VA leaves veterans “ignored” (The Hill) Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) took to the House floor on...
Veterans news update for May 19
House passes six bills aimed at helping veterans (The Hill) The House approved a package of legislation on Monday...
Veterans news update for May 14
VA improperly spent $6 billion annually, says senior official (The Washington Post) The Department of Veterans Affairs has been...
Veterans news update for May 12
Automated system often unjustly boosts veterans’ disability benefits (The Wall Street Journal) An effort by the Department of Veterans...
Veterans news update for May 7
Texas Medical Association calls VA Choice Program a failure (KVUE-Austin) The Texas Medical Association is calling a program intended...