Veterans with a 100 percent permanent and total disability can receive expedited processing when applying for Social Security Disability benefits.
You must tell Social Security that you are a 100 percent permanent and total disabled Veteran, and there are several ways of doing that:
- by entering “Veteran 100% P&T” in the Remarks Section of the online application, or
- tell the Social Security representative helping you if applying in person or over the phone.
Also, remember to provide your VA Notification letter that shows your 100 percent Permanent and Total Compensation Rating.
A VA 100 Percent Disability is not the same thing as a Social Security Disability. The Department of Veterans Affairs and Social Security Administration (SSA) are separate federal agencies with differing programs and criteria for benefits. If you are granted a SSA disability, it will not be affected by your VA compensation.
A SSA Disability determination does mean you will receive Medicare coverage automatically after you have received disability benefits for 24 months.
For more information, click here.