Your daily veterans news, 8/4
Your morning daily veterans news update for Monday, August 4: As disability awards grow, so do concerns with veracity...
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Your daily veterans news for 8/1
Your daily morning veterans news update for Friday, August 1: Senate passes VA overhaul in 91-3 vote (The Hill)...
Your daily veterans news for 7/31
Your morning veterans news update for Thursday, 7/31: House passes Veterans Affairs overhaul, Senate poised for approval (Fox News)...
Your daily veterans news, 7/30
Your morning veterans news update for Wednesday, 7/30: Senate confirms Obama’s choice to lead VA (New York Times) In...
What They’re Saying About the VA Reform Bill
The morning after: What they’re saying about the VA reform bill and its ability to change things for the...
House, Senate leaders agree on $17 billion VA bill
After six weeks, lawmakers have reached agreement on a $17 billion bill to reform the Department of Veterans Affairs....
List of Reform Bill’s New VA Medical Facilities
There are 28 proposed new VA medical facilities that are part of the agreement reached between House, Senate leaders...
Your daily veterans news, 7/25
Your morning veterans news report for Friday, July 25: Patient wait times improve for New Orleans veterans, VA officials...
Survey Shows More Outreach Needed to Veterans
Forty percent of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans have a service-connected disability for which they have not filed a claim,...
Your daily veterans news, 7/24
Your morning daily veterans news update for Thursday, 7/24: Disabled veterans memorial under way near the National Mall (Associated...