Veterans news update for Feb. 6
Leader of IAVA urges forgiveness for NBC’s Brian Williams (The Washington Post) The leader of a prominent veterans organization...
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Veterans news update for Feb. 4
Veteran suicide prevention bill passes Senate; ready to sign into law (The New York Times) As a Marine serving...
Veterans news update for Feb. 2
Senate takes up bill to lower suicide rates among veterans (Associated Press) A bill aimed at reducing a suicide...
Veterans news update for Jan. 15
Detailed study confirms high suicide rate among recent veterans (Los Angeles Times) Recent veterans have committed suicide at a...
Veterans news update for Dec. 30
Troubled Marine vet featured in songwriting story found dead (Associated Press) A New York man featured in an Associated...
Veterans news update for Dec. 26
Some top officials knew of woes, before VA scandal (The New York Times) Long before revelations in the spring...
Veterans GOODNEWS for Dec. 16
Young war veterans see political influence grow (Air Force Times) The number of veterans in Congress continues to dwindle...
Veterans news update for Dec. 9
HUD secretary announces more vouchers for homeless (Baltimore Sun) With the deadline set by President Barack Obama for ending...
Veterans news update for Nov. 25
Nearly $1 billion in VA medical malpractice settlements paid with federal funds (CBS-Los Angeles) Thousands of payouts to veterans...
Veterans GOODNEWS for Nov. 14
Special prison program focuses on veterans (CNN) Chelsey Carlson called the police after she said her husband, Staff Sargent...