July 7 Veterans News
New VA study finds 20 veterans commit suicide each day (MilitaryTimes) Roughly 20 veterans a day commit suicide nationwide,...
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April 28 Veterans News
Large veterans reform bill promises ‘a new VA’ (MilitaryTimes) Senate leaders unveiled a massive veterans reform package Thursday that...
April 5 Veterans News
VA formally proposes new limits on appeals rights for its executives (The Washington Post) Senior executives at the Department of...
April 4 Veterans News
VA still plagued by problems two years after scandal (Washington Times) If you thought the Obama administration had put...
March 24 Veterans News
House budget plan gives VA a big boost, but also restrictions (Military Times) House appropriators will give the Department of...
March 16 Veterans News
Lawmaker: Poor wording in VA bill hurt victims of Gulf War Illness (Military.com) A lawmaker on Tuesday suggested Congress may...
February 24 Veterans News
VA watchdog sits on wait-time investigation reports for months (USA Today) After the Veterans Affairs wait-time scandal erupted nearly two...
February 23 Veterans News
VA pitches plan for executive firings to Senate (Stars and Stripes) The Department of Veterans Affairs told the Senate...