May 20 Veterans News
Bad discharges plague vets who reported sexual assaults, watchdog says (Stars and Stripes) They endured rape or other forms...
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May 19 Veterans News
House votes to expand benefits for Vietnam ‘Blue Water Navy’ vets (MilitaryTimes) Veterans who served on Navy ships off...
May 18 Veterans News
Blue Water Navy veterans struggle with toxin exposure (KREM) A group of veteran converged on our nation’s capital Wednesday...
May 17 Veterans News
How Congress and the VA left many veterans without a ‘choice’ (NPR) NPR — together with member stations from...
May 12 Veterans News
Donald Trump adviser signals plan to change veterans’ health care (The Wall Street Journal) Donald Trump says the Department...
May 11 Veterans News
Sen. Joni Ernst, Iraq War vet, part of Trump VP speculation (ArmyTimes) The first female combat veteran to serve...
May 9 Veterans News
Trump faces mounting attacks on veterans issues (MilitaryTimes) Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump took heavy criticism over his treatment...
May 6 Veterans News
Companies ‘join forces’ to hire or train 100,000-plus more vets, spouses (MilitaryTimes) First lady Michelle Obama and Dr. Jill...
May 4 Veterans News
VA still hopes for appeals reform, but lawmakers looking elsewhere (MilitaryTimes) Veterans Affairs officials are still pushing for benefits...
May 3 Veterans News
Bill would end tax penalty on vets with forgiven student loans (Military.com) Permanently disabled veterans or survivors of veterans...