Veterans Good News Update for May 26
Devoted bugler honors deceased vets with personal touch (The Seattle Times) Taps is 24 notes that can make the...
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Veterans Good News for May 14
50 veterans’ homes rehabbed during bay-wide Armed Forces Day project (WFTS-Tampa Bay) The leaks in Gladys Arroyo’s roof caused...
Veterans Good News Update for May 12
Tweets for the troops: Robots saluting service members (USA Today) With our heads in our phones, laptops and TVs,...
Veterans news update for May 8
Another lawsuit filed over VA’s informal claims changes (Military Times) Another coalition of veterans groups is suing the Veterans...
Veterans news update for May 7
Texas Medical Association calls VA Choice Program a failure (KVUE-Austin) The Texas Medical Association is calling a program intended...
Veterans Good News Update for May 4
Veteran Richard Overton nears 109th birthday with yard work, whiskey (The Wall Street Journal) As he closes in on...
Veterans Good News Update for April 29
War veterans go back to Vietnam in search of closure (CBS News) Though Thursday will mark 40 years since...
Veterans GOOD NEWS for April 20
10,000 more plots for veterans planned at National Cemetery of Alleghenies (Pittsburgh Tribune-Review) The National Cemetery of the Alleghenies...
Veterans GOOD NEWS for April 14
How veterans are working to keep Chicago’s children safe (Christian Science Monitor) For school children, some Chicago streets can...