October 26 Veterans News
After cancer diagnosis, vet refutes government’s Agent Orange expert — and wins (ProPublica) For years, the U.S. military and...
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October 20 Veterans News
VA extends deadline for seeking Gulf War illness benefits to 2021 (Stars and Stripes) For the next five years,...
VA extends presumptive period for Gulf War Illness compensation until 2021
In 1995 the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) first established two years for a Gulf War veteran to submit...
June 20 Veterans News
Iraq, Afghan vets may have their own Agent Orange (Stars and Stripes) They are known as the Agent Orange...
June 17 Veterans News
Research provides clues to effective treatments for Gulf War illness (MilitaryTimes) A single cause for Gulf War illnesses may...
June 7 Veterans News
‘Burn Pits’ pose possible health risk for troops, and pose challenge for scientists (WUNC) U.S. troops in Iraq and...
April 11 Veterans News
Thousands of Iraq, Afghan war vets sickened after working at ‘burn pits’ (Fox News) Thousands of U.S. military personnel who...
VA places hold on Camp Lejeune Veterans bladder cancer claims
Attention, Camp Lejeune Veterans! The Department of Veterans Affairs will no longer deny claims for bladder cancer, instead placing...
November 2 Veterans News
Deployment environmental reports not in military health records (Military Times) For more than three years, the military services have...