August 18 Veterans News
Trump and Clinton to speak at the American Legion convention (MilitaryTimes) Presidential candidates Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton will...
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August 4 Veterans News
Tainted water at Camp Lejeune: Veteran fights for disability (Military.com) On the one hand, the Department of Veterans Affairs...
August 2 Veterans News
Obama’s final address to veterans meets rebuke from some vet groups (Military.com) In what he called “my final address...
August 1 Veterans News
Obama to cite progress on veterans’ issues in speech (The New York Times) In a valedictory address to veterans...
July 27 Veterans News
Democratic platform promises more resources for vets, no privatization of VA (MilitaryTimes) Veterans would see more resources to end...
July 26 Veterans News
Trump pledges better veterans health care, bashes Clinton at VFW meeting (USA Today) Donald Trump turned his VFW speech...
July 22 Veterans News
Trump and Clinton to discuss VA reform at VFW convention (MilitaryTimes) In between political conventions, both major party...