May 18 Veterans News
Blue Water Navy veterans struggle with toxin exposure (KREM) A group of veteran converged on our nation’s capital Wednesday...
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May 17 Veterans News
How Congress and the VA left many veterans without a ‘choice’ (NPR) NPR — together with member stations from...
May 13 Veterans News
Senate panel advances veterans reform plan — including GI Bill cuts (MilitaryTimes) The massive and controversial veterans omnibus bill...
May 10 Veterans News
VA secretary wants agency to be run like ‘The very best customer service organization’ (WESA) Prior to 2014, the...
May 9 Veterans News
Trump faces mounting attacks on veterans issues (MilitaryTimes) Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump took heavy criticism over his treatment...
May 6 Veterans News
Companies ‘join forces’ to hire or train 100,000-plus more vets, spouses (MilitaryTimes) First lady Michelle Obama and Dr. Jill...
May 5 Veterans News
Unqualified VA doctors performed 25,000 TBI exams (KARE11) The Department of Veterans Affairs plans to contact nearly 25,000 veterans...
April 27 Veterans News
A possible link between gut bacteria and PTSD (Neuroscience News) Dr. John Bienenstock and Dr. Paul Forsythe–who work in...
April 26 Veterans News
Sen. Klobuchar wants center to study military burn pits’ effect on vets (Star Tribune) Thousands of military personnel who...
April 25 Veterans News
VA secretary blames Congress for healthcare mess (Washington Examiner) Veterans Affairs Secretary Bob McDonald on Sunday blamed Congress for...